Which electronic gadget significantly improved quality of your life in 2022 ?

Abhilash Sankaramanchi
8 replies
Here's mine: Kindle It took me some time to realize the difference between reading books and collecting books, and it was then when I switched to kindle. I have always loved physical books and I still have hundred on my shelf but kindle is just 100x more convenient.


Abhilash Sankaramanchi
@jerryton_surya Awesome, which laptop did you buy exactly?
Lakshay Garg
There are many electronic gadgets that improved the quality of people's lives in 2022, but some of the most popular include: - smartphones and mobile devices: Smartphones allowed for easier communication and access to information, which made life more comfortable and efficient. They also helped with creating content, shopping, banking, paying bills, adding friends on social media platforms (especially Facebook), navigation through city streets/streets/cities, etc. - drones: Drone technology enabled a new level of accessibility and convenience for both residents as well as tourists who wanted to see places from a different perspective or photograph locations that they would not have been able to visit before. This led to unique photo opportunities that could never be imagined before drone usage became mainstream. - smart cars: Cars nowadays come equipped with multiple sensors and cameras that allow drivers to stay informed about their surroundings while driving - this is especially helpful when navigating treacherous road conditions or avoiding accidents. Additionally, automobile manufacturers are now incorporating self-parking capabilities into their models which makes it super easy for drivers without any skills at all!
Abhilash Sankaramanchi
@lakshay_garg2 Love the details, could you name one device that helped you this year, like which smartphone, which drone or which smart car exactly ?
Jason Andries
I bought a soup maker a few months ago. You just have to add ingredients and water and the machine will do the rest. I know making soup isn't that hard but now I don't have to watch the stove / mix it myself anymore and I always have fresh soup in the blink of an eye while being able to do other things in the meantime.
Abhilash Sankaramanchi
@jason_andries1 That's awesome Jason, totally love soups! Could you share the product URL? 😄