Which design tool do you find most enjoyable and effective in your workflow?

Ragavee Raveenthiran
5 replies
As a UX/UI Designer, I've explored various design tools over the years and established my top favorites that I rely on daily. I'm curious to know, what design tool do you find yourself using the most?


Igor Lysenko
I think it's Figma and sometimes Photoshop.
Nico Spijker
Figma, I just do marketing but I can use all the assets from our UX/UI designers and convert them into awesome assets so there is a continuation of the work a more use of the designs they've made.
Ragavee Raveenthiran
@nicolaas_spijker That's awesome to hear. Being a UX/UI Designer, Figma is one of my go-to tool. I've also had work experience in Marketing, and I completely agree with your perspective.