Which Chrome Extensions can you not live without?

Brajendra Kumar
18 replies


Balkrishna Karma
Grammarly for grammar and spell check!
Uma Venugopal
Pranab Buragohain
Bitwarden, Save-To-Notion, UseBubbles
Aliya Arman
AdBlock is a must!
People, who are using adblock.Use Brave browser for Ads free browsing and even on YouTube.
Carter Michael
Probably Adblock, the amount of time it saves me when it comes to pre-roll ads and finding information without having to hit "x" on numerous pop-ups has probably added up to a depressingly high number over the years.
1password and Adguard VPN
Charlie Charles
Grammarly, Take a screenshot, Ads blocker, and many more.
Danny Wilson
Adblock. The extension should be required at this time. dumb ways to die
Youcef El Kamel
Dashlane for my password manager