Which are the different tools you use for design inspiration can be visual, flows or interactions?

Ramandeep Sharma
7 replies
Do share your preferred tools as well as how they are helping you out as a designer.


Phillip Butler
When it comes to finding design inspiration, I often turn to websites like Dribbble and Behance to explore visual designs and discover innovative concepts.
Hashir Ahmed
For design inspiration, I turn to platforms like Dribbble and Behance for visual inspiration, and UI/UX pattern libraries like UI-Patterns and Collect UI for design flows and interactions. Design communities and forums also offer valuable insights and fresh ideas.
Ramandeep Sharma
Thank you @hashir_ahmed1 for sharing , just curious to know which design communities and forums have been helpful to you?
Fidel Avendano
I primarily rely on Dribbble and Behance for visual design inspiration due to their vast, community-driven collections of various design styles. For understanding user flows and interactions, I often turn to Muzli and Awwwards as they offer a wide range of innovative and functional design examples.
Clara William
I go for Pinterest and dribble to get some ideas for my designs.