Where did you get your first paying customer/user?

Ankit Sharma
14 replies


Puneet Kohli
In my case, it was through my network since we were selling b2c. Curious to see what the b2b folks have done.
Ankit Sharma
@puneet_kohli from beta users? or internal network?
Julia Doronina
Via website (I think it was thanks to SEO that he found our site and asked for a demo)
Ankit Sharma
@julia_demyanchuk great, kindly share your website so I can also learn from it. Thanks
Wendy B. Greaux Digital
Usually, you have to know some connections that have that pain. They should be ready to pay for it once it's out of beta... Good luck and we are launching tomorrow!
Jan Paolo Villena
Via meeting people in local events, I got myself ready the old fashion way talking to my potential clients and giving them a short pitch why they need our service. It works like a charm
Ankit Sharma
@jan_paolo_villena great bro! but which type of event offline or online ?
Frank Lindsey
From a freelancing platform I guess back then we were giving services. Our product was not launched.
Sneha Saigal
@graham_patel I've never used AppSumo. Would you recommend it for B2C products such as https://geeksandexperts.com?
Ankit Sharma
@graham_patel awesome, and I think it is the best place to get 1st user 😍