What would you never ever share? Even if the world was ending 🚫

Simona O'Neill
5 replies
Let's see how many obvious, crazy, fun, unusual or surprising answers we get here 😜. I'll start with... I would never share my screen with strangers without closing the tabs or cropping/blurring the confidential data. How many times did you see a screen recording video where it's so clear to spot what apps that person is using ? And even worse, notification pop ups and open tabs ? It's a big deal. Especially when you are trying to come across as professional as possible and not give away any personal information. Most screen recording tools lack this important feature. Not www.canvid.com though !We're on it, big time 😉 Your turn, what would you not share ?


Pleasure Meditation
It's such a GREAT QUESTION, especially for someone with my ultra-open mindset. I'll think about that!
Peter Hansen
Awsome, I concur 100%
Jao Japitana
My recipes LOL