What would you do to understand which is the startup to launch?

Discover Planets
2 replies
hey guys, I worked in the digital space since many years and now i would like to launch a startup (SaaS AI). What would be in your opinion the process to follow? What would you do to understand what and how to launch? Thanks


Roger Gallagher
Good question. When pondering which startup to launch, it's crucial to start with your passions and expertise. Consider what problems you're uniquely positioned to solve. Once you have a few ideas, it's worth exploring unconventional avenues. For instance launching a casino startup could be lucrative if approached with innovation. You can explore special software solutions like https://runyourownpokersite.com/poker-software-features/ for fresh perspectives and opportunities, especially in the realms of mobile gaming and cryptocurrency integration.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Sounds like you're diving into the exciting world of startups! Researching the market, identifying pain points, validating ideas, and building a solid MVP are key steps. Remember, it's all about combining passion with market demand. Best of luck on your SaaS AI journey! 😊