What would you change about your founder experience?

Rod Bahmanyari
8 replies
Would love to know!


Austin Armstrong
For me, I think I would do the same thing all over again. We learn from our mistakes.
Austin Armstrong
@my_phung Nice! We ain't perfect so I'm sure if we go back to the past and change whatever we want to change, something else is going to happen
Eithiriel (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré)
I've accomplished my best work as a co-founder or consultant when I've collaborated with founders who also value: - Authenticity - Autonomy - Communication - Consistency - Compassion - Fun / silliness - Keeping it simple (while also being comprehensive, just presenting the right information at the right time) - Not having meetings "for the sake of having meetings" - Not scheduling last-minute [mandatory] meetings - Aren't interested in working with stakeholders or... - Are selective about stakeholders who are more concerned with taking the time to "get it right" vs. meeting rigid deadlines "for the sake of meeting deadlines" I've had to learn some of that the hard way. For ex: I've :really: had to learn to keep it simple. And I especially love collaborating with others who are passionate about and value: - Market research (anecdotally, feels especially undervalued by stakeholders) - Language-market fit - Community-led growth - Experimentation - Innovation
Cristian Stoian Urzica
If you feel that you are the most implicated person in co-founder team, maybe you should change them. Make sure you have a super implicated team, before you start.
Vaibhav is Selftalk.ing
If only I had a better understanding of 'Market' and the 'Marketing' aspects.
Experience cames from mistakes, it's hard to just learn from others and apply when you're just starting because you don't have the time and mature to do that ! Make mistakes but learn wisely and do not repeat them !
Gurkaran Singh
If I could tweak my founder experience, I might add a "Coffee Button" feature to instantly summon a fresh brew for those late-night coding sessions! Because let's face it, nothing fuels innovation like a good cup of joe (or ten)! Just imagine, coding fueled by caffeine on demand!