What were your achievements last week? March W5🚀💪

Samir Rashed
24 replies
https://www.producthunt.com/disc... Join April Week1 Thread 👆 Hi Makers & Hunters, How did you meet your challenges, and achieve your goals this week? share your stories 👇


Isabel Nyo
What I did for the month of March -> The Creator System helps make sure I am being productive every single week.
Samir Rashed
About me with @momen_elshamy and all Premast Team launched new version ” Plus 2.0 https://www.producthunt.com/post... it would be great if you give a look! and give us your feedback Thanks in Advance 🙏
Samay Sanghvi
Launched my startup! I'd love if you could check it out at https://learnwithpinglr.com !
This week Roamer got it's first paying customers! Huge milestone for us after months of hard work.
Steve Bull
I'm in early days to get 100 rejections to $500k seed raise to get the yes I need. Here the product website https://www.breathe.global/
Sheiryl Jose
We are recognized as one of the TOP INTERNATIONAL Residential startups! Lessandra, our brand is among the Residential brands startups around the world picked by The Start Up Pill, a London-based site famous for listing the most innovative and exceptional startup brands. So happy!!!! Check out our website here https://lessandra.com.ph :) Source: https://www.startupill.com/36-am...
Eugene Hauptmann
Released revamped version of an open source package that gained 20K/weekly downloads. https://www.npmjs.com/package/re...
Richard G
Hi, was able to launch my website called NFTPedia
Vikram Sahu ꩜
I was able to complete my project which has been in long run from last 3 months. Learning : small things take huge time for perfection but if it helps other to grow then taking time to build works. will be launching it soon .. (it is raw and video in process) https://www.producthunt.com/upco...