What techniques do you use to understand why your users are behaving in unexpected ways?

Junior Owolabi
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Everyone seems to use session recording and product analytics software understand what is happening in their products but not WHY they are happening. If it is that: - this person is the wrong type of customer - they are confused how to use your product - they expect your product to behave differently than it does - there are missing expected features - they just came to browse the app - they can’t find the payment section - they need 1:1 onboarding but no way to contact you - etc. Well my startup PrepxUs has you covered, SaaS startups can continuously observe and interact with users to uncover what is driving their unexpected behaviours and how to quickly resolve it. How it works (is a simple code snippet added to the html) - session recording for continuously observation - feedback submission (and follow up private messaging) enriched session recording data, so you can play back what led to the feedback. - user research system for live remote user interviews, un/moderated prototype/website testing (to understand why) - advanced queries converted all the data into user journeys and flows - user flow advanced prototyping, that look, feel and behave live production apps.
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