What skills do you think you will need to learn in 2023?

David Leuliette
10 replies
I am a former software engineer freelancer and now the CEO of my company (me and a junior developer). In the next year, I will need to become a better sales guy. In the last months, I hit a plateau where I am too expensive for clients projects and people without the budget donโ€™t want to hire a junior dev. I am looking for some inspiration, and curious to know if you have planned to learn a new skill next year.


Henry Miller
I wish I can create a Chrome extension to show personalized content in new tab. But I do not know how to start.
Bruce Liao
@henrymiller interesting target.You can follow some simple projects in github first, I guess.
Shi Ling
How to write good AI prompts ๐Ÿ™ƒ It seems writing AI prompts has its own nuances just like writing good Google Search queries.
David Leuliette
@taishiling indeed but i am pretty sure there is a website for that whoโ€™s running AI to generate AI prompt ๐Ÿ˜‚
Shi Ling
@flexbox Whoa, really, is that so? I wanna see that. Seems like there's an AI for nearly every you can think of these days. "There's an AI for that" is almost a meme now.
Joan Mateo Duarte ๐Ÿš€
I would like to learn more about community building, I believe is essential for creating a great inside business culture and a great following of clients.
Puneet Kohli
Generative AI fine-tuning.
Krishnaswamy Anand Ganesh
Patience and Persistence will be your best buddies as you take on the new role, more than any other skill you may acquire. Would suggest reading about and practising building these consciously.