What should we do to fight climate change? Sumting !

Mike Odenhoven
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Hey all, Like many of you here I want to actively fight climate change and help clean up the mess we made. That's why i'm working on Sumting: a digital platform so that anyone, anywhere can bring climate action into their daily life. How it works is simple: you select one or more of the nature restoration projects on our platform, make a donation and in return you will receive GPS coordinates and a before/after picture of your impact so you know your money makes it's mark (for example; here's the tree planted that was planted on your behalf). We're getting ready for our actual launch but for now I'm stoked to tell you that our website has just gone live, so you can read more about our idea and register interest at www.sumting.org. The first version of our platform where you can actually make donations will be up shortly (and we'll be launching it into PH properly then) For now we're looking to get early stage feedback, so here's a few things you could help with; 1-Check out our site and subscribe to the waitlist if you're interested 2-Give us feedback ! -If you were interested, why was that? How could we make it even better for our planet and for you!? -If you're not interested, tell us why not. What would we need to do better to get you on board? 3-if you're excited about the idea, share it with your friends and let them tell us what they think as well And if you've got other ideas on how to get involved, or others ways that you could help us on this mission also give a shout :) I'm truly hoping that you will get as excited about this as the team working on it, and that together we can create a force of good! -Mike
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