What's the real benefit of making the Golden Kitty Awards list for a product?

Rick Fan
14 replies
Is there any data from previous years?


Same here, I'm quite curious too.
Diksha Patro B
I wonder the same too!
Markk Tong
Launching soon!
a huge deal for a few reasons. Firstly, it gives your product a ton of exposure and credibility within the tech community.
Mansi Trivedi
The attraction is BIG! like any award. And when you see the winners of last year and where they are right now, you'll understand what's the hype about!
Flora Diep
Ah, I'm really curious too!
Huynh Trinh
I am newbie here so I don’t know. But I think the true benefit is that if you get that reward, it means you have tried to improve yourselves to reach a high level of quality. It also means that you are a better version comparing to yourselves yesterday. Be hunger, be better.
Thomas Yanik
Making the Golden Kitty Awards list provides significant visibility and recognition on Product Hunt, potentially leading to increased user engagement, more product adoption, and valuable feedback.