What's the one thing makers need to keep in mind before launching a Devtool on Product Hunt?

Sachin Jain
1 reply
Hello all! We're preparing to launch our Devtool on Product Hunt in the near future. Observing that general-purpose tools often thrive on Product Hunt, do any of you have insights or suggestions to share on successfully launching a developer tool?


flo merian
@sachinjain04 great question, Sachin! I’m part of the Developer Marketing community, a small group of 900+ passionate marketing folks working in dev-first startups, and launching a developer tool on Product Hunt is a recurring topic. @ronak_ganatra1 wrote an awesome blog post that sums up most of the learnings. key takeaways
  • - find a Hunter. this isn’t a requirement. it may give you an extra motivation tho.
  • - polish your visual assets. an animated thumbnail to stand out, no stock images, no marketing fluff, just pure technical bullet points.
  • - prep and schedule your content in advance as much as possible. first comment, blog post, social posts, email newsletter, website banner, etc.
  • - upvote and reply to comments as quickly as possible to show your engagement.
hope it helps!