What's the one book or resource that has impacted you and your life the most?

Jacobs Journey
9 replies


Kathleen Torres
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries fundamentally changed my approach to building products, emphasizing a rapid iteration cycle and customer-focused development that has become integral to my workflow.
Uma Venugopal
Deep Work, Atomic Habits
Alex Camilar
ChatGPT for sure :) much more efficient on repetitive tasks since I became proficient with it.
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg has been a game-changer for me. What about you?
Jacobs Journey
@akanksha_hunts Haven't read that one actually. I think the one that has impacted me the most was Atomic Habits - it was also one of the first self-help books I ever read
Kyle DeSana
"Enlightenment Now" - Steven Pinker. Although not a "startup" or "business" book, it's a really insightful book, using quantitative evidence, to argue for the ongoing progress humans create. A lot of people always think the world is ending or in a bad place, but when you step back, and look at the data, we are always improving the quality of life around us.
Igor Lysenko
I read a lot about different people and what they say in their interviews. And some fragments from the interview really stuck into my soul