What's the most effective way to increase customer retention and loyalty?

Aida Zu
8 replies
Any extraordinary approaches? Events? Ice-cream? Gifts? Love?


Nihal Kothiyal
I would say provide exceptional customer service, personalized experiences, give unexpected perks/rewards or incentives. it's all about the way you make them feel.
Tej Garikapati
1. CEO charm - It really helps if your ceo ir founder is out there on social media talking about your product, engaging with customers. Most people buy tesla, coz of elon musk, you don't see a tesla ad anywhere. 2. Make them a part of your brand - generous ambassador programs help 3. Discounts to previous customers. 4. Probably the most important one and cliche but yea, customer service. Always reply on time, go the extra mile when you are trying to solve an issue. Give them discounts for next time if they face a problem. Most ppl will settle for an average product if they know the customer service is promot and excellent..it ads a layer of trust and removes friction while trying to switch to a costlier plan on your product. All the bestπŸ‘
Aida Zu
@tej_sai love the CEO charm point. ALL is very relevant, thank you for this clear value. We'll keep our focus on ambassadors and customer service
How about planning Giveaway on SNS? πŸ€”
Gurudeep Shrotriya
Your product must be based on the needs and preferences of your targeted customers. Respond quickly and efficiently to customer inquiries and complaints. Offer Loyalty programs and rewards. And, increase your reach to different platforms. All of this will definitely help in retention.
Aida Zu
@gurudeep_shrotriya Yep, How to do you form Loyalty programs?