What is your strategy for customer retention?

Sergey Solovev
3 replies
No doubt keeping users engaged with your product is crucial for both growth and retention. What strategies have you found most effective in maintaining a strong user base? A few come to my mind: - Innovative features (It's always nice to have something special that makes you stand out from the crowd of competitors, but that's not always possible). - Impeccable customer support (Sounds great, but the best product/service is when the user doesn't have to resort to support) - Rewarding loyalty (My favorite, but there is a chance that the user will stay only because of the incentives, need to know how to find the balance here) Share your insights, experiences, and perhaps even some challenges you've faced along the way. Let’s learn from each other and boost our products to new heights!


Claudia Nathan
I message my users and I don’t use templates - I’ll randomly pick a couple each day and reach out to ask how they’re going and if they have feedback. I think in general with retention strategies whether it’s at scale or 1-1 you just have to continuously consider your users as people - the people you built your product for. I think the best way to figure out an effective retention strategy is to ask your users, what can you do for them to ensure the product continues to serve them
Sergey Solovev
@claudianathan Agreed. No one knows better what the user needs except the users themselves. Thanks for sharing, Claudia
Artem Bukharin
Hi! We utilize different services and strategies for it: 1. We make sure that we deliver good service by using interviews with customers from different segments; 2. We collect data with feedback from users by using special pop-up forms; 3. We reactivate new users using email marketing, push-notifications. There are a lot of ways to increase retention, but the main thing is to deliver a valuable product by using a hooked-model.