What is the key to build any project? I'll start... 🤔

Karen Sánchez
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I think that "Personas" are the basis of every project, of every idea. What do you do with your idea if you have no one to serve? I know it is a challenge, but I feel that it is what makes us human, closer, more of a society. For example: - How to conquer a boy if I don't know who he is? - How to design something interesting if I don't know if it will work? - How to create a product if I don't know who it is going to serve? - How to act a movie character if I don't know who to represent? - How to cook for my family if I don't know their tastes? - How to sell a service if I don't know who needs it? From the most basic of life, to the most complex, you always have to know the "Who" and who are the "Personas". Answering that question and empathizing with people is the key to open the doors to success, to connect your idea with the world, to socialize. Now tell me, what do you think?
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