What is the ideal posting frequency for Instagram?

Dilan Aydın
6 replies
Based on your personal experiences, which posting strategy has proven to be the most effective on Instagram?


Santiago Gutierrez
It depends, but I would say 2-3 times a week
Ermes Tavares
Imagine the account is cold and you need to warm up for the algorithm to deliver your content. What worked for me was, I created a new account, 1 post per day from Monday to Friday, for 30 days. I got 1000 organic followers, after having an audience, you can reduce the posts.
Roger Gallagher
Hey. When it comes to finding the ideal posting frequency on Instagram, it's all about striking the right balance. Consistency is key, but don't overwhelm your followers with excessive posts. Find a rhythm that works for you and your audience, whether it's daily, a few times a week, or even weekly. And to give your posts an extra boost, visit the Fasto site for automatic likes that will amplify your reach and engagement. Happy posting!
Debin Alsa
One of the main advantages of Insta Pro APK is the ability to download photos and videos from Instagram directly to your device. This feature allows you to save content for offline viewing or sharing with others.