What is the best way to launch on Product Hunt?

2 replies
I've just launched my first SaaS product and the response hasn't been quite what I expected. If you're seasoned with Product Hunt or product launches in general, I'd love to hear your tips and advice! Also, I'm seeking feedback on our own launch to understand what could be improved. Please take a moment to check out Voxal AI and share your thoughts: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Your insights could be invaluable to many newcomers like myself!


Nachiket Patel
What day you launch on will have varying degrees of potential traffic (and success) and ultimately comes down to what your goals are. Are you hoping for the most potential traffic? Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday would be your best bets.
@patelnachiket Thanks for your inputs. It was a decent launch. We did get the traffic from product hunt. What is special about these days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday?