What is one aspect of your job that you particularly enjoy?

Sunny Kumar
23 replies
Mine is Working From Home


Agustin Spada
The people = environment. Really important IMO
Writing Code
Hossein Yazdi
@diliara Haha, exactly! Btw, wish you all the best for your upcoming launch! Just followed your launch! If you're interested, also check out the different business name generator I'm going to launch soon!
@hosseinyazdi sound interesting, I have added notification for this
Joanne Hurley
I like the variety, one-moment writing content, the next strategising sales and the next implement tracking tools. My days are rarely the same.
Learning about new tech stuff throughout the day and later writing on the same!
Igor Pavlov
Being able to make decisions on your own, definitely
Nuno Reis
Freedom to create something people will use everyday. Starting a startup around https://uptiq.app/ brought that freedom, which is just amazing, that we can just build for Growth Teams we care about :)
I love the variety of tasks and challenges that come with my job as a lead digital marketer. Each day brings something new and different, which keeps me on my toes and constantly engaged.
Jòzsef Molnos
As an A.I-engineer i enjoy every aspect of my job. :)
Melissa Phillips
While working remotely is convenient, I actually prefer brainstorming discussions with my team.
Alan Jenkins
I believe that working from home is a terrific option! I really enjoy the component of my profession that involves addressing problems, particularly when it comes to mobile development.
David J. Kim
Not waiting for someone else's approval. My co-founders trust me, so when something needs to get done it gets done.
Vikram Sahu ꩜
The cycle of researching and trying out growth hacks can end in tears when the desired results don't materialize.
Jordan Ellis
Seeing that the products I make positively affect people's lives. While I love writing code, it’s the end result that makes me feel like its worth it. I also do love working for myself at home 😆
As for my 9-5 (Omnichannel Manager): - helping fellow co-workers out - administrating our omnichannel software - being needed and have the possibility to be helpful in the whole company As for my Personal Brand: - helping my fellow creators out with new tools - (also) working from home - sharing each others experiences
Grace Hur
Talking to our users! 💛
André J
Launching soon!
The freedom
Richard Gao
Funnily enough, one aspect I enjoy is that it's pretty easy to automate partially
Phillip Butler
I like doing all the backend/database stuff of our software.
Igor Lysenko
Hello! I think it's multitasking, I mostly write code and I have the whole company. I could say different things, but for me, multitasking. I think it's cool when a person has a lot to do and he likes that he has some tasks. Or perhaps because I'm a workaholic :)
Flexibility and Freedom.