What is better photoshop or figma ?

Nicole Cogan
6 replies


Anna Starodub
They solve different design tasks. Figma was created to be a UX tool from the beginning. It allows to create vector illustrations, logos, ux and ui design. Photoshop was created for photo editing or raster-based art. It allows performing advanced image manipulation: retouching, lens correction, and digital art. It has many filters, styles, and effects. Figma operates within your browser and you don’t need to install software and purchase licenses. Photoshop is installed on the computer. This is convenient because the software works without the Internet. So it all depends on you needs and preferences.
Aditya Rajput
If you are a graphic designer working in a marketing team: PHOTOSHOP If you are a UI/UX designer working in development: FIGMA
Csaba Zajdo
Figma and photoshop are both good for design work. But you should use them to best fit your work flow and skill level. If you need a more traditional desktop app, go with photoshop. If you need a more lightweight, web based option, go with figma.
Philip Snyder
They both serve different purposes. Photoshop is more advanced for images, Figma is more for UI
Don't know for sure because i try to handle it both but frankly i am kinda bad at them both. But i more like to use Photoshop, because i believe that it has more possibilities and more functions to make a great photos with a lot of cool effects and other things. There is also a possiblity to actually find cool text effects https://www.squad.design/glitch-text-effects and use them in order to achieve better quality of your photos. So it is also a great asset to me. I also think that i will try to exepriment with other programs as well you know including figma