What is better, having more followers or having high points?

Austin Armstrong
16 replies


I believe that having more followers is better. When you launch or start a discussion, all of your followers receive a notification.
Semyon Fridman
It's a balance, isn't it? More followers mean broader reach, but high engagement points suggest a deeply connected audience.
Mahsum Akbaş
In whatever case, I recommend "Quality over Quantity". Points show your activity, a part of reputation. Follower is one of your way to interact with them and grow.
Jack Rhodes
High engagement from followers. Quality over quantity.
Niko Germish
"In my opinion, the more points you have, the more followers you'll gain. Therefore, earning points is crucial 👀
Austin Armstrong
@nikogermish Now how do you gainmore points?
Stephen Wilkes
High engagement from followers.
having Friends :)
Simon S
On PH, having more followers is beneficial for your launch, I believe.
Ruth Carpenter
high level of follower engagement.
Igor Lysenko
More active subscribers can see your product and rate it. Subscribers are truly important people.