What is best format for a landing page for a Saas?

Ankur Singh
13 replies


Luis Gustavo
A really good one could be: 1. Headline + CTA: Do X, with our solution Y, for companies W 2. Solution (and the problem that solve) 3. Example cases: Features that allow you to solve the problem 4. Final CTA
aviral shah
I think the best format would an elevator format: GIF --- one image which explains your solution and a Tagline 1. Problem 2. Current Solution and its disadvantages 3. How does your company solve that problem 4. What are the benefits/differentiators (include the KPIs where impact can be seen ) 5. Examples/use cases
Mehdi Rifai
A really good tweet I saw recently about this topic: https://twitter.com/mrsharma/sta... Even though I prefer building my landing pages with vanilla html, css and js here is a nice tool I used recently: https://typedream.com/
Tony Yan
1, Hero section 2, What problems it resolved 3, How it works, 4, Testimonial
Mitchell Sanders
How does your organization address this issue? most question ask
Chad Lynch
For a concise, human-like SaaS landing page format, follow these steps: Headline: Create a catchy, brief headline that conveys your product's value. Tagline: Add a short tagline for clarity on your product's benefits. Visuals: Use eye-catching images or videos to showcase your product. Key features: List top features and benefits in a simple, scannable format. Testimonials: Include relatable customer quotes for trust-building. CTA: Add a clear call-to-action button, inviting users to sign up or learn more. Responsiveness: Ensure your page is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Always test and adapt your landing page to optimize it for your target audience.