What is an AI knowledge base? How does it differ from a tradition Knowledge base?

Pradeepa Somasundaram
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An AI knowledge base refers to a repository of information, data, and insights that is enhanced and managed using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. It leverages machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and other AI capabilities to organize, interpret, and extract valuable insights from the stored data. What the difference? Traditional Knowledge Base typically relies on manual input and organization. It lacks advanced capabilities for understanding context or providing dynamic insights. Meanwhile, the AI Knowledge Base utilizes automation and intelligence to categorize, analyze, and generate insights from data. It can understand context, extract meaning, and adapt to changing information. Often, Traditional Knowledge bases lack advanced language processing capabilities, requiring users to input queries in a specific format. Whereas, AI Knowledge Base incorporates NLP to comprehend and process human language. This allows for more sophisticated interactions, including understanding queries in natural language and providing relevant responses. If you want to explore the advantages of an AI-powered Knowledge base you can try Document360 https://document360.com/
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