What have been your experiences with interns? Specifically marketing interns.

Apostolos Toptsis
11 replies
We are currently in the phase of hiring our first marketing social media interns for our company. Any do's and don'ts I should look out for and be aware of?


Leo J Barnett
Focus on single very specific tasks to start with clear deadlines. Explain the why of the tasks. Consistent engagement on social with people is as valuable as posting. They'll call in sick a lot.
Claire Shaw
Have a structure in place for their internship, complete with tasks and deadlines, hours placed aside for learning/teaching/reading etc, and have regular catchups to make sure they're keeping pace and taking in the information.
Nick Anisimov
My experience has shown that an intern either quickly becomes a full-fledged member of the team or we say goodbye to them forever.