What does open source mean to you in 2023?

Narayana Aaditya
1 reply
Hyperswitch is participating in its first Hacktoberfest and we wanted to hear from you about what open source means to you in 2023 Our mission is to build payment infrastructure that serves billions of people at scale - a utility like water or electricity We invite you to join us on this mission and win big! Win a fabulous swag pack for every merged PR as a token of our appreciation. GitHub: https://github.com/juspay/hypers... Website: https://hyperswitch.io/hacktober...


Shajedul Karim
hey there, mate open source in 2023 remains a beacon of collaboration, pooling minds together for common goals. hyperswitch joining hacktoberfest mirrors this spirit, inviting hands to shape a shared digital utility. your mission resonates with the essence of open source—building crucial infrastructure collectively. it's a nice blend of idealism with appreciation, nudging many towards collective innovation. excited to be a part! warmly, Karim