What do you use for messaging with your team?

Nadia Zueva
10 replies
Slack is mainstream. I love using Telegram; however, it leads to mixing personal and work contacts, even when using different folders. Which messenger do you prefer for communication?


Microsoft Teams and Slack. I once knew a team used Notion for everything
Gilson Gilbert
Slack & Discord. Mostly Discord for open source projects
Kalami Labs
Usually we use discord, telegram.
Fabian Maume
Slack for quick communication. Notion for cooperating on task.
Prem Saini
Slack & Google chat
Zoe from Normies
Slack because its integration, also love to use Discord for casual interaction
Gurkaran Singh
As a tech enthusiast deeply immersed in startup life, I understand the struggle of mixing personal and work contacts on messaging platforms. Have you considered exploring professional collaboration tools like Project X or Team Messenger for a clear separation? It's always a fun journey finding the perfect communication tool for your team! ๐Ÿ˜Š