What do you think of Postnick ; address simplification solution through nicknames

Yigit Calli
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Postnick brings a brand new approach to standardize postal addresses and simplify address communication globally. It is an online address wallet that users can store all their postal addresses and assign easy-to-share, custom nicknames to them, like >>john.home, >>lisa, >>sunshine, >>005 or >>company.hq. Users save their addresses and keep them up-to-date only in their Postnick accounts and they access them from all Postnick integrated platforms, like e-commerce websites or cargo and delivery companies; instead of managing those addresses separately in multiple applications. These address nicknames, which are called as >>postnicks, are similar to website domain names. They are transferrable digital assets that users can buy or sell in the Postnick marketplace, so it brings a brand new investment opportunity as well. What are your thoughts about it? How is it going to make a difference compared to Google Plus Codes and similar solution. https://www.postnick.com
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