What do you think about WordPress

Jerryton Surya
8 replies
WordPress has so many bugs nowadays but it still has a market share of almost 80%. Will WordPress fall?


Software Guy (Aarvy)
Not untill there's a better substitute for it, Do you suggest something better than word press?
Jerryton Surya
@software_guy Webflow works better than WordPress but it is way more expensive than WordPress
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@jerryton_surya Okay, thank you for letting me know.😊
Lodovico Sella
I just like the fact that it is SEO-friendly.
Jerryton Surya
@lodovico_sella Yeah those SEO plugins are awesome there
Jorge Moreno
It is a mature product, well funded, and with a huge community. I would say it will stay for a while. I still have my doubts about version 6.1. Lots of changes.
Jerryton Surya
@ccichat Thanks for sharing this valuable information