What do you do when you feel stuck in terms of creativity?

Ezgi Yeğinaltay
27 replies
When I feel stuck in terms of creativity, I like to take a step back and engage in activities that help me to relax and clear my mind. Listening to my favorite artist works the best for me. I also find it helpful to seek out inspiration from others. It sometimes involves looking at the work of other creatives in my field, attending workshops or conferences, or collaborating with others to generate new ideas. In addition, I like to experiment with new techniques or approaches to see if that helps to jumpstart my creativity. I might try using a different medium or tool than I'm used to, or I might approach a problem from a different angle or perspective. Do you have any tips or tricks to share?


Dhruv Dubey
speak to different people, perspective goes a long way while being creative!
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@dhruv_dubey1 Yes! Hearing what everyone else has to say is really important to get over the block of being creative.
Nuno Reis
Taking breaks and time for a walk or just being present in a part or even in your couch catching some sun helps. Basically taking time for yourself so there is nothing to do and your brain can go anywhere. If I'm in a rush and looking for quick inspiration I'll look at other people's work. Lots of websites and just general google searching helps with it, and nowadays you can actually ask GPT for more places for inspiration. This helps out in discovering different sources.
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@nuno_ms_reis I agree. Sometimes you just need inspiration and the rest comes like a waterfall.
Jatin Keni
I have bookmarked various websites which I go to whenever I feel stuck in terms of creativity. It helps me refresh my mind in all aspects and to push forward.
Leonid Mikhalev
I have never been in this situation, because I just overfiled with ideas, and don't have time to create all of them. But if I get in the situation I will use AI advisor, who create a content plan :D
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@leonid_mikhalev Happy to hear that some of us is free from this situation 😅
Mehmet Çetin
When I lack creativity, I attend local meetups that are completely unrelated to my area of expertise and interests. Sometimes it works.
Hossein Yazdi
Depending on the situation, I sometimes keep everything aside and engage in non-work related activities or check for other different sources related to the work I'm currently on and take inspiration from them.
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@hosseinyazdi I agree! Taking the situation into consideration is really important!
I usually zoom out of the things and somehow the subconscious mind works and that way I get ideas
Emily B
I like to play pickeball! It's truly the one time (besides when I'm catching Zzz's) that I am off of my technology and clearing my mind. I often run off the court with a clarity that actually gets me excited to jump back into work! In the middle of the workday, I honestly talk to chatGPT. At first I felt weird about it (lol) but now I treat it as my coworker/collaborator. It gets me out of my cloudy head and helps me refocus.
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@emily_sonara I've never tried talking to Chat GPT. I have to give it a go!
Penny Hartley
Taking myself out of my comfort zone, for example doing a road trip or a short weekend getaway, or signing up for an experience such as an Escape Room. I find that when I disrupt my routine with something unusual and exiting, I am refueled and it's like looking at my work with a fresh pair of eyes.
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@tr1p3 If only I could take myself out of my comfort zone...
Penny Hartley
@ezgiyeginaltay You can always start by writing a list of things you are afraid of, and then trying to push yourself a little every day! I am pretty shy so I forced myself to pick up a conversation with a stranger the other day and I actually had a good chat that inspired me to work on a new project! You can absolutely do it! Good luck
Shantanu Bhosale
I generally like to take a walk if I feel stuck or if I want more creativity I like to travel and meet new people as this changes my perspective of looking at my problems. Now we can also use ChatGPT-like tools to give us new roadmaps when we fill stuck, but whether this is a good or bad thing only time will tell.
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
@shantanu96 I think traveling is by far the best way to cope with it.
Sakshi Gahlawat
I like to take a break. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is step away from your work and take a break. Go for a walk, take a nap, or do something else that you enjoy. Giving yourself some time to recharge can help you come back to your work with a fresh perspective.