What do people think of gamification as a strategy for motivation in social movements?

Evan Lesmez
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https://www.compassiongame.org/ There are a lot of different reasons why a movement may gain traction. The most common thread between social movements is calling to a higher purpose and being a part of something bigger than yourself. As an active member in the liberation of farmed animal movement, I definitely feel this call. However, I think we vegans sometimes do a poor job of motivating others to take positive incremental steps and instead revert to guilt and shame tactics that are not so good for long-term motivation. Researching motivation led me to stumble upon the topic of "gamification". Previously I believed gamification was a cheap marketing tactic. After watching ted talks and reading books and papers on the subject, I realized that gamification has a lot of potential. We pay people to play their games. Clearly, these game designers know a thing or two about human motivation. With all of this in mind, I decided to build my first attempt at gamifying the adoption of a more compassionate plant-based diet: https://www.compassiongame.org/ Please signup and let me know what you think. Maybe my attempt is not your cup of tea but what do you think about gamification in social movements?
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