What are your tips for staying within deadlines?

Janset Angı
23 replies
Mine is to use an editorial calendar, divide the workload based on this calendar, and prioritize the ones that take more of my time, considering the dates.


Luis Enrique Medina
Divide your work day by work relevance, meaning you start working on the more urgent tasks right away while you leave the things that have a later deadline for last
Dilan Aydın
Planning, planning, and planning! You can use project management tools to achieve this btw.
Hilal Aydın
I believe it is crucial to prioritize the tasks correctly. One has to know how many effort needed to accomplish a task, and how to optimize time and effort while setting the due dates.
Janset Angı
@hilal_aydin time tracking for a while might work to see overall picture, maybe
Jerryton Surya
I prioritize work in Jira and that helps me to complete work within deadline
Nadir Arda Oral
I usually focus on one task rather than several during the day. That's why I keep working by dividing my tasks into certain days until the deadline. Of course, when the deadline is not close, I have a lot of flexibility to work, but that's our nature 🤷🏻‍♂️
Polina Nerova
Map Your Day. Build in Time for a Crisis. Get the Worst Done First. Avoid Multitasking.
Ahmet Umut Günbak
I would recommend using tools like Notion, Trello, and Google Calendar. They help me to keep focused on the work, and reminds me what I need to do and when I need to do it.
Elif Şahinduran
creating a good planning system that suits me & using google calendar for reminders has been useful to me
Software Guy (Aarvy)
Use Pomodoro technique.
Janset Angı
@software_guy I was using when I was studying and it was working for me, but never tried while working.