What are your plans for next week?

Rhys Webber
6 replies
It's Monday tomorrow, what are you planning on getting done next week? I'm aiming to finish my MVP and start getting some users!


Shariq A
Continue making short promotional videos to highlight our product features
Igar Volan
Wish you good luck and persistence with finishing it. What will do your product?
Rhys Webber
@ihar_murashka Thank you! I'm building a tool which helps product teams collaborate and work efficiently, you can check it out at https://usewippy.com
Dafni Chontou
Good luck on shipping your MVP Rhys! My plan for the week • Personally onboard 4 new users on Wonderpath • Create action plan templates for 10 goals for our library - I'm crowdsourcing ideas here: https://twitter.com/dafnihnd/sta... • And pack - I'm travelling to Greece on Friday