What are your plans and goals for May?

Ankur Singh
47 replies
Share with the community your plans, goals and launches planned for this month.


Yasmin Atkinson
As a Product Sherpa, my main goals for May are to explore new tools, provide honest feedback, and help makers improve their products. Curious to see what everyone else is working on this month!
Shantanu Bhosale
To work on my product and upskill.
Dave Malicke
Advertise my app on Reddit. I have an ad going out today. I’ll be interested to see how it performs
Buse Başar
@dave_malicke this topic interests me too, will you have a chance to share your developments with me?
Dave Malicke
@buse_basar will do! I’m still learning how to use Reddit ads. So far I can’t tell that the ad went out today, so I’m circling back to see if I missed a setting somewhere. I’ll post an update when I’ve launched the ad successfully
Andreas Møller
Launch our public beta so everyone can try toddle. We just launched on PH please show toddle some love!
Vera Mur
Launch the Figma plugin on PH: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... and be a more active twitter user 😅 what about you? 😉
Solveig R
Launch first version of an app project🤭
May is all about goals! Personally, I plan to perfect my sourdough bread recipe and beat my personal best in Mario Kart. Professionally, my goal is to launch a new project and high-five my team virtually😀😀😀
Launching Sivi.ai this month! All goals aligned toward a successful launch. https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
I have big plans for this May. First of all, we're launching on Product Hunt this Friday, May 5th💃 We've been preparing for this for a while, and we're excited to finally share our product with the world. After the launch, we plan to take a couple of days off to recharge🔋 Secondly, I've been reaching out to more people in our industry and have lots of meetings and calls scheduled. It's important for us to stay connected and learn from others in the field🤝 Lastly, my co-founder and I will be working on raising investments to take our product to the next level💰 Of course, we'll also be spending time constantly improving the product based on feedback from our users! And what about you, Ankur?👂
Aleksandra Dikan
To launch on Product Hunt! and not die after it))))
Ankur Singh
@aleksandra_dikan Congrats, the second part is super important.
Plan to launch my startup on product hunt, change from employer to entrepreneur mindset.
Sudeshna Roy
Make our first Product Hunt launch successful on 4th. Dropping the teaser link here in case you are interested :) Your support would mean a lot https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Hossein Yazdi
Love May even though it just arrived! As it's the month of my birthday and also for that I'll be launching soon my first product!! 🤩 If you're interested, don't miss out on the different AI business name generator I'm going to launch! (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...) It can really help you in getting name ideas that can actually be useful.
Navin Peiris
Launch the MVP for my product and onboard a couple of beta testers and gather as much feedback as possible. Also grow my network across Twitter and PH, something I’ve been neglecting for far too long.
Norman Dilthey
Good question! Definitely going to try growing my recently launched Whatsapp AI chatbot: https://bit.ly/3LIZu7x It seems that building and launching the tool was the easy part 😅
Launch Streos on Product hunt and promote and support
Igor Lysenko
Only productivity and structure improvement, I advise everyone!
Joseph Abraham
My plans for May? To crush it like a grape and make every day a-may-zing!
Rashid Khasanov
To test different pricing strategies. We want to see which ones work the best on our products that are already profitable.
Ryan Tando - Dezbor.com
Launching my updates & next products