What are your go-to strategies to validate your software/startup idea?

Shawn Pang
6 replies
- Build a fake demo to see potential users' reactions - Launch paid ads on social media and collect data - Develop a sales deck to get letter of intent from businesses anything else?


Shawn Pang
Hope to get some better ideas! :)
Sagar Patel
Depends on the business type. For my business I am constantly doing user interviews, and am reaching out to potential customers to make sure I keep in touch with the problems and make sure I’m actually solving the problem!
Kan Hai
Paying attention to user reactions is necessary, but many users themselves can’t clearly express what they like. Only when it’s put in front of them will they say, “I really like this.” I believe that discovering better ideas comes from having a good imagination, imagining what a wonderful future life should be like, and how to find a better path to achieve it, making everyone’s life better. Beauty is very basic and primitive, such as saving manpower and brainpower, making me healthier, making me happier, making me feel more existent, making me feel more secure. There is always a gap between imagination and reality, but you can step by step to achieve it, allowing it to return to a beautiful state.
Shajedul Karim
love those strategies, especially the fake demo one. another way might be starting small, creating a minimal viable product (mvp). just enough to solve the problem, get it in front of real users fast. listen to their feedback, observe their use. raw, unfiltered user experience can offer some of the most candid and crucial insights. adjust, improve, and keep iterating based on this real-world use. always stay user-focused.
Develop something usable, launch everywhere. Wait to see if results, feedbacks, votes are convincing to continue develop the project.