What are the essential tasks to do on the day of product launch on PH?

2 replies
Hello everyone, I'm bianque, and today I launched my product on Product Hunt🥳 Our product GhostCut provides video editing services to users, utilizing AI for online video editing. It allows for easy translation of videos into multiple foreign languages and includes automatic subtitle generation and voice-over capabilities. I am grateful to the Product Hunt platform for providing us with an opportunity to engage with all of you. As today marks the first day of our product launch, despite our preparations, there may still be some overlooked aspects. Would anyone be willing to share their experiences? Thank you very much🤝! I'm open to discussing and exchanging ideas with anyone interested in product discussions. Here is our product:https://www.producthunt.com/post... welcome to try it out. If you could upvote it, that would be even better😻😻😻


Create a blurb to cross-promote across channels. Prepare a list of allies who can amplify your launch. Build a database of communities and launchpads to announce your launch. The first four hours of launch are critical so focus on creating momentum there.