What are the best free high DR backlinks?

Matthias Neumayer
8 replies
Except Product Hunt of course! We all know that :)


First: DR is a bad metric for comparing backlinks. Google has PageRank so the strength of a backlink is considered on page level Then: it depends on your niche, but libhunt.com is quite a strong backlink. Finally: I have created a guide with the best free backlinks putting your own DR above 20: https://backl.io/directory
Hossein Yazdi
Finding high DR (Domain Rating) backlinks for free can be quite challenging, but focusing on creating high-quality content and engaging with communities in your niche can naturally attract them. Additionally, guest blogging on reputable sites and leveraging social media platforms can significantly increase your chances of securing these valuable backlinks.
Natalia Toth
https://rankingraccoon.com/ is a platform where you can browse verified, manually handpicked websites in your niche and message site admins directly
@natalia_toth Tried to add shownotes.app and they rejected it in an hour without explanation. Note sure why.
High Domain Rating (DR) backlinks can be obtained from reputable sources like guest posting on authority websites, creating profiles on social media platforms, participating in forums, and submitting content to high-quality directories. Additionally, collaborations with influencers and providing valuable content for podcasts or interviews can yield valuable backlinks.