What are the best business and entrepreneurial podcasts you guys listen to and why?

Janine N
5 replies
As with every topic, there is so much choice and noise out there. Which places do you go to for inspiration and knowledge gathering? I love the Creative Confidence Podcast by IDEO and also the The Foundr Podcast with Nathan Chan..


HyunGun Jung
Oh, thank you for the recommendation, Janine! I enjoy listening to All-in podcast Noah Kagan Presents Indie Hackers Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal My first million
HyunGun Jung
@janine_nitz I highly recommend them, especially the first one. The four guys are not only smart, but also hilarious!
Janine N
@jack_jung you're welcome! Thanks for your input on this topic as well. Had not heard of some of the podcasts you mentioned..
Morgan Kung
I'm here to find an answer.😁
Hermina Andrews
Thanks for starting this discussion! I've been an avid listener of business and entrepreneurial podcasts for quite some time now, and I'd love to share my recommendations with you all. The Tim Ferriss Show' - Tim Ferriss is known for his in-depth interviews with world-class performers. He deconstructs their strategies, habits, and routines, offering valuable insights into their success. It's a great podcast for learning from a diverse range of entrepreneurs, authors, and experts.