What are strategies to ensure that remote meetings are productive rather than feeling a time-waster?

Elif Şahinduran
8 replies
Sometimes I find remote meetings exhausting because of the screen time. How do you feel about remote meetings?


Ryan Tando - Dezbor.com
- Cut unnecessary meetings: Save time by solving quick issues through chat instead of scheduling meetings. - Invite only necessary team members: Keep meetings focused by only inviting those involved in the discussion. In the meeting, If someone or 2 team members discussed a outside topic only specifically for them just cut it out. - Set time limits: Avoid going off-topic by setting a specific time limit for meetings.
Elif Şahinduran
@distartin Cutting unnecessary meetings through chat is definitely helpful, and sending 3-4 minute video messages is a good way to achieve this.
Carter Michael
Having an agenda. I used to think they were odd, but they really do keep you on track. Having someone to lead the meeting, even if it's a small one who has this agenda can help as well.
Sidra Arif Ali
Following these simple steps can help you ensure your remote meetings are productive: Set a clear agenda Use video conferencing Assigning specific roles to attendees Encourage all attendees to participate Try keeping it short and focused Keep coming back to the main topic Follow up
Firstly, understand the purpose of remote meetings. If the goal is to get a quicker and shorter answer to questions, then video call or text is not the best choice. If the goal is to brainstorm the problem or work on a long-term project, then a video call or text is a better choice. A remote meeting is not a time-waster if everyone is on the same page. You can make remote meetings productive by asking the right questions before, during, and after the meeting. read more here: https://www.workhub.ai/practices...