We're doing a launch on AppSumo in a couple of weeks - any tips on how to best prepare?

Sandra Idjoski
8 replies
This is our first time launching on the platform and we're not sure what to expect. Are there any things you wished you prepared before your launch?


Richa Sharma
Just make sure your coupon codes work (if you're using that approach), and be aware that your support team will get busier than usual. Usually, such sign-ups have too many questions. All the best!
Sandra Idjoski
@richa_sharma07 Thank you for the tips! They actually switched from doing cupones to an automatic purchase approach. Feels like it should go more smoothly, but we'll see.
Shubham Pratap Singh
Good luck for your launch :)
Igor Lysenko
Chat more to get your product interested
Sandra Idjoski
@ixord Thank you for the tip, I've heard that engaging with the users and commenters is very important
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