We Just Launched and Careering is Now Live. Looking for ALL the feedback we can get. Thanks

Divine Rivers
1 reply
Hi PH Community, I'm excited to announce we just launched our Marketplace for sign-ups. Visit TheCareering.com and check it out and provide feedback. Careering is a career exploration platform for college students to seamlessly gain meaningful and tangible insights across any role, market, and/or industry to assist in their transition into the job market. Students can book 1:1 personalized sessions with relevant professionals in order to make transitioning into a career effortless all while organically building their network. So whether they're looking to get a grasp of what jobs are out there for them, which roles are the right ones for them, & what their career interests and options are, Careering is here to help them effortlessly explore and discover what they truly want to do and how to get there. We are also the Marketplace for Everyday Professionals to supplement their Salary. We understand making a salary doesn’t absolve you from needing additional income. Careering is built to allow professionals from all occupations to do just that but in a more realistic and desirable way. Learn More at TheCareering.com


Divine Rivers
We believe higher education is extremely generalized with Career Resource Centers not able to provide students with the personalization students need or are looking for. This lack of personalized insights makes transitioning into the job market difficult and frustrating. It's the reason many have experiences with post-graduate anxiety and even depression. The onus is on students to conduct their own career research and find their own way. This is where Careering comes into place. We are here to be a platform that provides insight into any role or industry by simply booking time with relevant professionals. With this, the goal to personalize the college student experience while at the same time democratizing career knowledge and aiding in building an organic network. Careering is also the Marketplaces way for Everday Professionals to Supplement their Salary. As the Cost of living has skyrocketed and salaries have remained the same over the last decade or so, many Professionals are now seeking an effortless way to supplement their income. Many of the current side hustle options are undesirable or unrealistic. Car sharing, Food Delivery, Short term renting, or learning a completely different skill than what you do for your day job is exhausting and in some instances unrealistic for everyday professionals Careering gives Everday Professionals a platform to Monetize their Time and Expertise in an effortless fashion. By allowing students to book time on their calendars to learn the ins and outs of their careers, Professionals can more out of their careers than ever before. Visit TheCareering.com to Learn more and provide Feedback