We changed our homepage - What do you think?

Sneha Saigal
8 replies
https://geeksandexperts.com Hey everyone, check out our new homepage which has been modified to include more exploratory sessions from experts and also testimonials from our users. What do you think of this new look?


Radhakrishnan KG
Kudos! I think this looks more professional than the one you had before.
Sneha Saigal
@wealthyminds Thanks so much RK! Appreciate it.
Matt Harbord
Nice work. I'm going to give you the brutal feedback where I try and be as critical as possible, so feel free to disregard as a matter of taste! This isn't meant to be offensive - but generally I try to avoid being too "nice" - although I appreciate you've put a lot of work into it! Header Image The image does nothing for me, nor does the color scheme - I appreciate you've picked up the beige from her top in the bg (background) color, but beige? It makes me think of banks and mortgages - I should be excited to learn something new! I'm not getting that. On mobile there is border around the image, I imagine you want it to be full width so there's no bg bleeding through (particularly on the left hand side). On desktop, a 50/50 split of image to text doesn't feel balanced, but that may be because the font size it too small - be more generous with both the font size and spacing - let the words breathe. Also, I don't like the black CTA - make it bolder, and bigger! "Book 1:1 personalized sessions" Yawn - can you rephrase that in a way that solves my problems? Even something like "Meet our experts" is more positive. On the cards themselves - the bg color doesn't offer enough contrast to the white bg - too subtle. This card section takes up as much height as the "learn from experts around the globe" - I think it should be bigger - I'm guessing this is the main value prop - but it doesn't feel like it right now. I'd make those cards bigger, bolder, and pump up the text size. The avatar images are also WAY too small. I want to see those smiling, trustworthy faces of the people I'm going to be doing business with. (And here you should take an airbnb approach and reject profile pics that aren't professional enough - curate those images! - have some brand guidelines for your experts if they want to make the front page.) UX wise, I'd like the cards to be full width on the screen (rather than have horizontal scroll and arbitrarily cut off) - and in an ideal world I'd like to grab and swipe to scroll (rather than use the scrollbar) (Exactly like it works on mobile). Why is Discover more entrepreneurs behind a registration wall? Feels like a blocker. Where's the "Discover more sessions" or "See all sessions" page? I want to see the full suite of options before I even sign up. The rest is OK - but font size is generally too small across the board. The about us section Those cards have a border - it's barely there. And their bg color is the same as the section background - you need to remove that border, or pump up the contrast between it and the background. And finally, the real nit picking - the vertical alignment of the logo and the "Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / etc" bit is off - the right hand text needs to move down so it's inline with the centre of the lowercase part of the logo. I hope that helps and you're not offended!
Sneha Saigal
@matt_harbord Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a detailed response. I really appreciate it, Matt. Not offended at all. Will make a note of these points and add them to our pipeline as we go.
Swapnil D Puranik
Hi Sneha, the new design looks more evolved (in-line with the product, I believe) and clear, as compared to the previous one. Been following your journey from early days of idea sharing on Kernal, till now. If there's any way I can help you further your CX and reach, let me know.
Sneha Saigal
@swapdp_01 Thanks so much Swapnil. That's really kind of you. Sure, do share your unique G&E profile link as you feel comfortable so that your audience can use it to book meetings whenever they'd like to do so.
Daniel Burns
Hi Sneha! I haven't seen your previous homepage look, but this one looks very neat & love that you put your 1on1 sessions to which section it belongs! However, one small suggestion: If it weren't for the emoji in the toolbar, I would have never seen the CTA there. I'd suggest to make it more prominent with a contrasting color and making it a bit bigger in size. Good job overall :). We are also in the state of modifying our homepage. It'd be nice if you could provide us with some feedback as well :) https://testifi.io/
Sneha Saigal
@testifi Thanks a lot Daniel. I appreciate the feedback. I'll check out what you're working on too. All the best.