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  • Want Better Mental Health? Then Choose YouTube ▶️

    Anvita kamat
    3 replies
    A study published by the Royal Society for Public Health looked at several different Social media platforms and tried to understand how using them impacted our mental health. 📌The result was that YouTube was the only platform that resulted in a net positive benefit for the user's mental health. Here is what I feel that makes YouTube different 🔹 I am not on YouTube to get continuous bite-sized dopamine hits, and the content on YouTube does not make me swipe to consume short content at lightning speed. 🔹 Good content on YouTube makes me think, internalize, pause, and appreciate. On the other hand, the study showed that Instagram and Snapchat were the platforms that had the most negative impact on our mental health.


    DigitalMarketing 21
    Hi, I am Arushi a technical writer at Eduhealth. It's a company in the US.I enjoy telling about tech innovations and digital ways to bring health and safety measures.I think it is a true fact about mental health.
    I haven't read the study, but I firmly believe that that platform doesn't decide what content is good or bad. The creator does. You can find great content on YouTube and you can find dopamine inducing shitty content on YouTube. Same goes for every platform.
    Anvita kamat
    @iampascio Yes I agree. But on Youtube you get to choose and you can align it towards your interests. However Instagram and other social media apps are loaded with influencers and content creators, everyone wants to consume content for instant gratification.