Wanna Showcase a Simple Game I Made :)

Grizzlius Maximus
6 replies
Hey everyone! I create relaxing, empty-head games as a hobby. So this game is nothing new (I created it a couple of years ago), but I'm new to this community and wanted to share it with all of you! Here is a video:
If you want to try it, here's the link to the Itch.io page for Free. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! https://grizzliusmaximus.itch.io... Thanks! :))


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The video looked adorable. Had a kid I knew would like this. Forwarded the game to them. They enjoyed it but they mentioned the lack of an objective - is there one?
Grizzlius Maximus
@rockyperezz Thanks! That's great to know they enjoyed the game. And no, there is no objective, just a relaxing sandbox type of game :)
@grizzliusmaximus Oh, I see :) Will relay that information to them then! I hope you keep producing games! don't stop! It's great stuff
Luke Barnard
This looks great, such a wholesome and friendly take on the world building sandbox genre. The artwork is really nice (especially the trees). The idea that you can instruct your bear army to build a village and use resources on their own is really cool as I find a lot of games in the village expansion genre tend involve a lot of manual intervention to tell characters what to do. Love it! :)
Roger Gallagher
I used to spend a lot of time playing games like this. After all, I have a very difficult job and it can be hard for me morally. I can only relax by playing dice here https://duckdice.io/. But I noticed an interesting thing. Half an hour of regular play (every day) gave me more chances to win good combinations. I've never won so often before, so you should try it too)