Twitter or Threads? Which app will end up being more popular by the end of the year?

Elizabeth Tishchenko
10 replies
Let's make some predictions. Elon with constant chnages trying to monetize the app and fight scraping bots? Or Mark with his experience running huge SM giants under Meta?


Vladislavs Sprengels
I believe Meta will definitely take over with Threads! As you mentioned Mark Zuckerberg has much more experience in this field. But also think this would have happened sooner or later this definitely the most profitable time to do it because of all their social media presence as comedic as it is now.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
@vladislavs_sprengels right, the timing was picked perfect for launching the app and Mark has a headstart in it. Getting some good % of Instagram users get instantly onboarded. Elon should adjust his strategy and not scare off users he has still.
André J
Launching soon!
Let's go threads! 🚀 Twitter can't be run like a car factory.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
@sentry_co I can clearly say you aren't an Elon fun :) Let's see where would this battle take these platforms. I heasrd there's new CEO steps in to Twitter soon.
It will be just another Twitter; he's using the Twitter hate to hype up his Threads. In the end, it's the users who always lose.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
@hashnimo yeah, Mark has picked the perfect timing. Its going to be a battle of 2 minds and 2 splited camps of users. At the end its about who makes more mistakes (pisses off more users) I feel. But it would be curious to see. They might keep its segment in a long run. Some users will shift, some will stay and they will co-exist.
Cyril Gupta
I don't think Threads can take away popularity from Twitter so fast. Right now there's a bit of crazy buzz because it's a new-new thing. With time it'll quite down a bit. I still remember Google+
Elizabeth Tishchenko
@cyriljeet there might start a competition on features. Also, Twitter is known as a better SoMe tool to consume news, share opinions and lead controversial discussions. not sure Threads heading the same directions. The audiences that use them might differ a lot still.
Cyril Gupta
@nevemind_com The trouble is that the competition of features may hurt their present business assets more than Twitter