Trying to get your first mailing list started ahead of a launch?

Kellie O Hara
3 replies
Trying to get your first mailing list started ahead of a launch? Change your mindset on your objective. It's not about the mailing list, it's about providing value in a way that they actually WANT to be on the mailing list. Think of your list as a party list that everyone wants to be invited to. Some questions to ask yourself: Why is this party so amazing for your ICP (ideal customer profile)? What kind of amazing transformation will happen to your ICP when they attend this party? If you were your ICP, how would you entice yourself to attend this party? It's the same thing when launching a product/service. Your ICP don't care about the actual tech or product, they 100% care about what the product does and how it makes them feel (IE transformation). Tell your story in a personable exciting way to provide valuable information that makes people naturally drawn to you (the person/story behind it) and the transformation, and makes them want to get on that waiting list :D Gain genuine interest from people that naturally has them saying "Ah I can't wait for this, sign me up to be notified!" Remove the goal of "I want (number of sign-ups) by (time-frame)" and replace it with "Let's tell our story to really address a real pain-point with a transformative solution for our ICP community, which has them knocking door our door to get in". Vanity metrics are not the aim, a quality community of ICP's IS the aim. The best way to gain authenticity and a genuine community of people actually wanting to be on your waiting list is to build your story in public (redacting IP and confidential info) and the transformation that happens when people use your product/service. People buy from people they know, like and trust (you), they don't buy from companies/products) :D This can be done organically/bootstrapped/free. Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions Goodluck with your launch! :D


geehyun kim
thank you for sharing good tips ! :)
Chemical Bull
Build an email list early to generate pre-launch buzz! Offer an incentive (discount, early access) to encourage sign-ups. Promote it on social media & your website.