Top AI tool that you use everyday

Tanvi Gandhi
10 replies
We see new AI startups coming up essentially every day. I'd love to know the unique AI tools and what purpose it solves for you.


Jijo John
I use my own tool TextCraft AI on a daily basis to save time writing and replying to emails. it saves a lot of time for me as a programmer. It definitely helps everyone too so i decided to launch it to the public, saves a lot of time for everyone.
ChatGpt obviously, and Grammarly as well.
ChatGPT and Grammarly:)
Robert Mao
ChatGPT and Aistro ! :)
Abhishek Nainwal
ChatGPT, Midjourney, Wellsaid Labs, and SuperAGI cloud.
Has to be Grammarly
Armin Nehzat
I've been using this ChatGPT powered personal assistant that's doing an awesome job keeping track of my notes & reminders