TikTok algorithm doesn't prioritize content created for other countries based on creator's location.

Busra Ozgumus
6 replies
TikTok and Instagram mostly shows your content to original location of your account but we mainly target other countries. Any strategies to overcome this? Should we create different social media accounts for each targeted country?


Yes, I have noticed this too. But then I deleted the account.
Dilan Aydın
Unfortunately, this is a major issue for international brands. You can share your posts according to the target location's time zone, local hashtags, and language to reach the target location. But, the algorithm still prioritizes your account's location. To overcome this, you can use local micro-influencers. Increasing the number of followers from the target location will activate the "similar to accounts/posts you interact with" algorithm. This will help your posts reach the intended audience. However, TikTok's algorithm is more powerful than Instagram's. To overcome this situation, you need to create more content, follow trends popular in the target location, and collaborate with local influencers/brands. Additionally, VPNs do not work perfectly in terms of prioritizing location. The safest way to reach a global audience is to turn your account into a global account.
André J
Launching soon!
@dilanaydiin International account?
André J
Launching soon!
@dilanaydiin global account? how do I get that? isn't all accounts global?
André J
Launching soon!
Careful doing too many creative hacks with your IG account. Might get closed down for a long time without opportunity for appeal. No judge no jury, no answer. Happened to a big tech company recently. No answer for 4 months. They didn't do anything either. Most serious player in the field etc.