The Truth About Trading the Forex

nancy singh
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As of the writing, I have been actively trading Forex for several months. It is very exciting, I must say! Trading the Stock Market was a constant battle for my mind. There are over 40 000 stocks to monitor (way too many). Futures Fixed Income Trading was something I tried. This was just crazy. Options trading was something I tried. I lost a lot more than I made. The FOREX was then discovered by me! I was skeptical at first. I was skeptical at first, having seen my trading results. It is possible to replace all of your income. You can easily make hundreds of dollars in a matter of minutes and do it multiple times per week! These are just a few of the many benefits I found when trading Forex: To make money, you only need to follow one major currency pair (EUR/USD), and not over 40,000 stocks listed on the stock exchanges. You can trade other pairs as well, but you should get better at it first. Forex Market trades 24-hours a day, 6 days a semaine. Forex trading begins on Sunday at 2 PM EST and continues until Friday at 4 PM EST. You can trade as you like, unlike the Stock Market which only trades from 9:30 AM to 4 PM EST. To open a Forex trading account, you only need $300 Brokers don't need to be paid commissions. This is a huge savings! This is a huge savings! You get what you see in your brokerage account. The exact amount you see in your brokerage account is immediately after you have closed your trade. In just a few hours, you can trade. All levels of experience are welcome. Trade doesn't require a special degree. Nobody will ask you which university you went to or what credentials are you holdings. You remain anonymous. The best home-based business in the world. No employees are required to start your own business. You can work from anywhere you have an internet connection, including your home. (High Speed Broadband preferred) You have 100% control You can actually trade from your computer without ever having to speak to anyone. Now you are on the same playing field as the huge international banks. Until 1999, Forex was only available to banks. Individual traders can now trade Forex for a healthy income. Forex trading offers unlimited opportunities! You have the freedom to choose. I'm sure which market I chose! Sue Edwards has decided to start a new online career for herself. After years of working for another person, it's time to use the internet and all its possibilities. Sue's background includes: Taxi Driving, Banking, Auto Mechanics and Industrial Mechanics. She is also an Internet Trainer, Nuclear Power, Computer Repair, Law Enforcement, and Nuclear Power. Sue is also an active foreign currency trader. Sue is eager to share her vast knowledge with anyone who is interested. Fixed Fractional Money Management
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